Shell of the commons

Fab Lab

The proposed building is a ‘Shell’ where the community can develop their creations. It allocates a laboratory of digital fabrication (Fab Lab) for common use. Fab Lab’s open a way for personal fabrication contrasting the ‘possession of technologies’ to the ‘share use’ and ‘the commons’. The building itself is built using digital fabrication techniques. The internal layout (scaffolding) and landscape structures are mobile and adaptable structures that allow change.

 Elena Marco

IMPORTANT MENTIONS: This project was selected to be exhibited in the UWE Architecture Graduate Show in the Candid Arts Trust in London, 3rd July 2015. It was also selected (together with 5 other projects) to have extra space and a description in the UWE Graduate Year Book.

Tutors/ Year:

  • John Comparelli, Peter Clash, Lucy Inder, Sanaa Shaikh & Robin Wilson
  • 2014-2015 Final year project - Part 1 Architecture and Planning


  • Sharpness, Gloucestershire, England